There are two things that successful offers have in common. One, they bring money into the business. Two, they seem to give too much and ask for two little in return.
There is a huge variety of offers for every product in every industry. Although many of these offers might seem to be great, they are ineffective because they tend to ask the audience for too much in return, which decreases the chances of people taking that final action step.
Be smooth, build your audience first, and then slowly ask them for bigger action steps in return. Always remember that if they take the first step, it's easier for them to take the second step. This applies to life as well as marketing and here is a good example of it: If you see a beautiful girl, you don't approach and ask her to marry you, you probably want to ask for her number first, then ask her on a date, and then your girlfriend, and then to marry you. Same with a business, you want them to give you their email in exchange of something, then to watch a video, then to hop on a short call, then an event, and so on and so forth. Make it easy for them to say YES.
Always make sure that you’re not asking for too much from them, especially at the beginning. It's better to ask for a small action step and then ask for a slightly bigger one on a future ad, until your audience gets to know you and they trust you more.
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