Marketing and business are great, especially when you know everything is working as it should and you’re starting to make more money. But once you get to this point, there is a certain number you should avoid if you want to keep or grow that momentum. If not, you're risking all your progress to be shouted down in one second.
Here is why ONE is the worst number in business.
Having one of anything is guaranteed to be a massive failure for you in the future, especially if that ONE is the source for your business success. Think about it:
Let’s say you run a restaurant, and it is very successful because of this one chef that makes amazing food.
What if he decides to leave tomorrow? You’re done…
Or if you have an Insurance Agency and you have an awesome salesman that is the source of all your clients.
What if he gets a job offer somewhere else? Now your competition has all the advantages you used to have.
Never ever ever, depend on just one source, because you're risking to fail in the #1 rule of business. If there is a chance that something can go wrong, it will eventually go wrong at some point in time.
Now, I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but it is your job as a business owner to be prepared for these scenarios, have backup resources and plan B. So if something bad happens, you are less dependent on something or someone, and that way it won’t screw up your whole business.
The best way to deal with ONES in your business, is to spot them and then replicate them.
If you have a great machine that makes your products, try to have at least two. If you have a great chef, let him teach his technique and recipes to other people in the kitchen. If you have a great salesman, get some interns to learn from him and do the job simultaneously.
In marketing, this means you should always be focused on making an ad work, and once you do find that ONE ad, you replicate it into different mini versions of it across different platforms.
Meta ads doing good? Awesome.
Let’s look at Youtube now, and Google.
And offline.
And direct mail.
And cold email.
And autoresponder marketing.
And affiliate marketing.
And referral marketing.
And anything else we can think of…
ONES are a ticking bomb waiting to explode, and you might think that your case is a different one, that it won't happen to you and that you will be just fine, spoiler alert:
It won’t. Get rid of ONES and become hard to kill in the business realm. Contact us for a FREE Marketing Consult.