Continuing on the art of writing, and how can you make sure that you sell more by writing better.
It is very important that we dive more on a topic I have mentioned before, but it's so useful I want to show you how it can be specifically applied to these types of scenarios. Yes, I am talking about the BAR test…
If you haven’t read the first part of this article series, check it out here: The Art of Business Writing When it comes to being a local business owner, one of the most useful things that could happen to you, is that everyone in the area knows you. Because even if they would not buy from you, they might know someone who will. This is why it is very important to make sure that when we deliver our message, especially in a written way like a blog or an article, we must make sure it is clear to them:
What what we do?
Who do we help?
And how can we help them?
But if "Larry" from across the street doesn't even know we have a plumbing business, it would be even harder to get our ideal customer to get to buy from us. The best way we can ensure that our business is getting well known and that we get more clients…
Is my being clear on your message, and using the BAR test.
Meaning, if you were at a bar and you had to say this to someone in order to sell them:
Do you actually sound like a human being?
Or like an alien pretending to be a human? Do you think they would buy it?
To make it more digestible, take a look at this example:
“As a business owner your job is to solve problems. Someone having electrical issues? It’s a good thing you're a certified electrician with your own business to solve that customer's problem. This is the basic principle of running your own business most business owners already know, but what happens when no one knows you even exist?
If you made it through that without your eyes glazing over you.. You are a braver man than I am.
See how it is unclear? It doesn’t actually sound like a human, it sounds confusing, over complicated and wordy.
Now take a look at how it would be said at a real conversation:
“Most business owners already know they solve problems for a living. But that’s hard to do if people don’t even know you exist, right?”
See how that makes more sense? How is it more clear and easier to read?
The first sentence sounds like an alien pretending to be a human. The second sentence sounds like an actual human.
Two tricks to fix your writing:
One, read it out loud: The best way to make sure your writing is legit is by testing it with other people, reading it to one of your friends, your family members, or even to yourself… And see if it makes sense, if it is clear.
Two, don’t follow a monotone format: What I mean by this is, don’t go around posting written content where you have a page full of huge texts, nor the opposite. Don’t make a paragraph out of every small phrase you make. It’s just like talking, some sentences are shorter, others are longer.
Like this one that is just 8 words.
Get into this habit. It’s going to change your writing for the better.
I guarantee it.
Apply this advice to your content and see how much more response you get to whatever you write.
Contact us for a FREE marketing consult.
