You might be wondering now what does TOP awareness mean?
Think of watches, does any particular brand come to mind? Same with cars, what comes to your mind after I say cars? What brands pop out in your head? Now let’s try coffee…
See? That is TOP awareness. The ability to stand out from the competition in your prospect’s mind, so when they think of the industry you’re in, the type of products you sell, or the type services you provide…
They immediately think of you. There is a direct association between your brand and the industry in which you operate.
You might think that after visualizing all these brands from the industries I previously mentioned, that this is not really a thing for you, and that TOP awareness is only for big worldwide corporations with millions of dollars on their marketing budget.
The good news is that if you don’t, you can have TOP awareness at a local market with a very small budget and without a worldwide audience. But how? How can one achieve such a desired state in the market?
Well it’s actually easier that you think. Let me show you a small detail that I guarantee will shift the focus of your audience when they see your offer, resulting in you and your business achieving TOP awareness.
You might or might not have heard of CTA before, which stands for “Call To Action”, this is the fastest way to build a TOP awareness in your audience’s mind. Just by adding a call to action at the end of your message, ad, video, offer, etc… It will dramatically change how others see your brand and by default the interest they will have on whatever it is that you are offering.
HOWEVER… Yeah you saw that coming, didn't you?
You need to have a good CTA, one that really makes them want to do whatever they are asked to do. The best way to do this is by delivering value. Think about it as a trade…
Every trade that everyone has made in life, they have done it because they got the feeling that they are winning.
Every purchase, every sale, every deal you have made, you did it because at the moment, you thought that whatever is it you are giving is far less valuable to you than what you are gaining. Otherwise you wouldn’t make the deal.
Let that sink in…
Build up your CTA in such a way that when others come across it, it sounds like a great deal for them. Say you are in Real Estate, you could say: “Call us today and we would sell your house in less than 90 days or we would pay you $1000.”
Or in the insurance Industry: “Contact us for a quote, we guarantee you can save at least 100 dollars on what you are currently paying.”
Even in the Food business: “Call now for the best pizza in town, delivered in 30 minutes! Otherwise it's on us.”
Doesn’t matter because it works with every single business in every single industry. Having a good CTA that delivering value is always a great way to go, because it makes people see the value out of that you are offering and since you are lowering the risk for them, it is more likely that they lower their barriers, take action, and keep you on their mind, increasing your TOP awareness on them.
Plus another bonus point is that it allows you to reach and attract both types of customers, those who are ready to buy now and those who are still thinking about it.
With this you can build a list of people that you know are interested in whatever it is you are selling, helping you to do great marketing that best resonates with them today, tomorrow, and for many days in the future.
CTA makes everything easier and better for you and your audience, start implementing them in your offers. It doesn't cost anything but it can change everything for good.
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