When looking at marketing, many times I see good products, but NO sales…
This is not because the products are bad, quite the contrary, they actually seem to be pretty good.
The problem is that they don’t really know how to buy, or how to proceed.
“Yes I am interested, know what….?”
You might not be aware of this, but you're confusing your customers. The fact that what they are supposed to do after they see the offer is crystal clear to you, doesn’t mean it is also gonna be clear to them.
It’s like when you were in school and your mom told you that you were the most handsome guy in the classroom. Might be true, but the fact that your mom knows that, doesn't automatically mean that the girls in your class know it too.
And the problem is that we need YOUR target audience, in this case the girls, to have that very clear, otherwise it's useless, because that is the people you're going to be directing your message to.
Switching back to business, your audience is the one that you could make money from, not some other random group of people that might come across with your offer.
Make sure you give a clear instruction on your ads, make sure there is no room for confusion or misinterpretation, because a confused customer does the worst thing…
You will be amazed by how easy it is for people to get confused and fuck things up.
People are good at following simple instructions, not too much at complex instructions, so make sure you're being very clear on what they are supposed to do.
Make it easy to say “YES”, and hard to get confused or to say “NO”.
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