Have you ever had the feeling you are seeing the same ad over and over again?
Or probably you have seen different ads of the same product?
The point is that a certain proportion of a product or service keeps reaching out to you for some reason. Now you might think it is pure divine intervention and a coincidence of life, or that it is just “Mass Marketing” (which we have already talked about before).
Well… No!
If you keep seeing the same ad over and over again, it is very likely that you are being part of a very advanced yet effective marketing technique, known as “Retargeting”. Let me show you why this works and how you can use it as well to make more money out of your business ASAP.
And don’t worry, I will tell you how to make it so it doesn’t come across as annoying… So pay close attention to what I am about to say and get ready to make some money.
As opposed to popular belief, marketing isn’t just advertisements where you are trying to get a sale out of every interaction people have with your company and force them to give you money so that they can have whatever it is you’re offering them.
Previously I have explained that not everyone is your customer, and the importance of having an audience BIAS.
But within that audience, there are also different groups of people who will buy, not buy, or are interested in buying in the future… Depending on the level of awareness they have over:
The problem you help them solve.
Your product.
Your brand.
There is a concept in marketing often referred to as: “Customer Journey”, stating that everyone isn’t ready to buy from you yet, and they need more time, info, or both to buy from you later in the future.
Maybe because they just saw you for the first time and they don’t trust you, or maybe because they are indecisive between you and your competition.
The point is that each customer is on its own journey, and it’s your job to make sure you guide them towards the end of this journey, which YES… It is the purchase, and even beyond that (but this is topic for another time).
At its basics, retargeting is just taking your leads (those who have shown interest in your product) and showing them more ads about your product. Could be ads selling them, but mostly it is delivering value to them, remember WIIFM.
These ads are meant to do 2 things:
One, to constantly remind them of your product or service so they do not forget easily about it.
Two, to make them trust you more in the process and convince them to slowly trust you more and get you to get more involved until you finally decide to give them a chance. It’s like seduction…
This is a persuasive game, you need to be able to break your audience’s initial guard towards you so they can see the value you bring into the table, that is marketing!
Contact us for a FREE marketing consult.